Leeds LDM Basketball

Youth Wellbeing

Find out how Leeds LDM Basketball supports youth mental health and trauma informed care


youth wellbeing

"A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life."

We aim to do both

Wellbeing is not just physical health, or safeguarding, it is ensuring everyone has what they need to thrive on & off court; we care about people first, and then how well they play, although the reality is they strongly are linked.

Basketball is ideally placed to do this alongside the fun and competitiveness of the game, and the skills we teach are also proven to help improve performance on the court.

I trust my coach. because he’s someone I can talk to, and have in the past had some issues at school that he helped me with
— LDM Survey

We do this by:

·  Building relationships that ensure our youths know we are a safe place for them to be if they need

· Understanding the latest discoveries on what works best to support each youth, & investing in becoming a Trauma Informed Organisation

· Partnering with other organisations to encourage youth to engage with the support they need

· Continually challenging ourselves to do better at tackling inequalities, discrimination and the barriers some youths face

· Ensuring staff get the support they need first as they cannot support others if they don’t feel supported

More than just a game, from our recent survey.

If you would like help please speak to one of the LDM Team or see the resources below

Support services for young people within Leeds:

MindMate – this website lists all support services for young people in Leeds, and has a lot of online advise and information.

The Market Place: What we offer - this is a specific counselling service for young people

Other places for support:

Headspace x NBA – resources designed for NBA/WNBA players

Maintaining positive mental health by English Institute of Sport

Raising Awareness For Positive Mental Health In Sport | Sporting Wellness – for 16yr +

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People

Calm zone | Childline online resources & activities

To find out more about how we support our young people please speak to our Youth Wellbeing Officer Kathryn (kathryn.hodgson@letsdomore.org.uk)

Funding this project